Sunday, June 3, 2007

GENERAL: The Rains have come ....

and come hard.

Well after some hard raining for the past few days, I went out to the 2nd floor terrace thats connected to my room and it just registered to me that I had left out most of my metal tools outside since I would make a mess inside with all the filing and cutting.

I had long decided that I would paint inside while the terrace would be for more dirty work. Well so I dumped my stuff there since December of last year since i knew that they would be safe since it would be the hot and dry months of March to May that was approaching. Then I totally forgot about them when the monsoon rains started coming.

So my tools have been soaking in a pan of water for 3 days now and they have well... rusted. I have managed to clean then dry them all out to take away the cakes of rust that have formed. Then I managed to clean a space out from them under the table to where my fan is. Too bad that I lost my painting table. Then again it was just a computer table and since I bought a new computer (which I am using right now) the loss of a painting table aint so bad.

I just got to get used to the new one.

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