Monday, July 9, 2007

GENERAL: Lets start counting - Inventory time

As with any modeler/warhammer player I at times will get infected with the bug that makes us buy too many models without ever getting around to finish painting the first batch of models we already have.

I had bought some stuff from a lot of people at bargain prices without realizing that I don't need them and sold some stuff as well. Still I have a lot of stuff that I need to sort out. With the Chaos Space Marines Codex coming out by August, my Lost and the Damned Army is about to go on limbo. I need to think of another army that I can use for the moment till the second Chaos book comes out. I had a mish mash of units for the LaTD and my worry is that I may not have all the elements of just one army to make a full 2000 point list.

The only way I'm going to find out though is to start doing inventory of everything. I'm just going to start on the 40k elements.

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