Finally made it to Lito's Battle Bunker with Obi and Romy and yes the place is huge.. lots of tables to be able to put in. Lito actually rented the warehouse for him to move out his warhammer stuff from his house and place it there.
Of all the people that I had to fight though it had to be Obi again (dohh) well actually it was a toss up with Obi and Romy pointing to each other as to who to fight me :P.
The game was actually fast == well it was supposed to be fast except that I had a Virtual meeting during the game for at least 45 minutes which caused severe delays during it.
I had decided to field the followinng
- Warboss (Eavy Armour slugga, choppa)
- 3 Mega Armor Nobs w/ Trukk
- 7 Burna Boys
- 7 Tank Bustas
- 20 Ork Boys w/ slugga choppa, Ork Nob with Banner and uge Choppa
- 20 Ork Boys w/ slugga choppa, Ork Nob with PK
- 10 Ork Boys w/ Shoota and Big Shoota w/ Trukk
- 10 Gretchin w/ Slaver
- BattleWagon 2 Big Shootas/ Deff Rolla
- Chaplain
- 10 man Assault Squad
- 5 Scouts w/ Sniper and Missile Launcher
- 2 Land Speeders with Heavy Bolters
- 2 10 man Tactical Squads with Missile Launchers
The Burnas, BattleWagon and the other 20 man Ork boys squared off against the Chaplain, Assault Squad and Tac squad and the two Speeders on one side of the table while the Nobz, Gretchin and Tank Bustas where on the other side facing off the Tac Squad and Scouts.
The Gretchin provided a screen to the 20 ork boys on foot before they went right and took pot shots at the tac squad there. They were largely ignored which suited me fine. The TankBustas managed to finally destroy the Land Speeders during the course of the game.
On the left. The Burnas jumped from their borrowed trukk side to start flaming the 10 man Tac squad but because I was having a teleconference I forgot to charge them into the 10 man squad. They eventually got rapid fired to death.
The Ork Warboss leading the 20 boys from the dead BattleWagon charged into the 10 man squad and butchered it only to be slaughtered in turn by the Chaplain with Assault Squad. They were in turn wiped out by the walking 20 ork boys as well.
The Ork shoota boyz took pot shots at the tac and assault squads while the other larger mobs where getting ready to charge in.
So score one win for the Orks due to sheer numbers. I guess with my Lost and the Damned Army Gone its Orks for my Horde army fix for now :)
Gotta get more games in
Note: More pictures can be found here
yup. failed my leadership check to face orks that day. bumawi naman ako sa sumunod a. :D
Hey Kyuzo.. I see you checking my old logs too eh :P..
Sigh to 2009 - nothing on the modelling/hobby side.. time to remedy it :)
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