Tuesday, January 5, 2010

GENERAL: 2009 Come and Gone.. On to 2010

Nothing survives contact with the enemy

- Wow where did the year go? I had a good plan all setup for January.. and then life/work and other hobbies got in the way (Boardgames) Nothing that I had planned for the year 2009 got to being completed at all in terms of gaming. I attribute it to more of not being able to play enough games to motivate me to assemble and paint anything at all. Speaking of paint, there is more resistance to me painting because I believe my paints have indeed all dried up and I need to start from scratch and that daunts me to paint.

Review: Frequency Posts.: F
- From a good 30 posts last 2008 to only 6 for the entire year.. wow that is bad.
Review: Number of Games in: D-
- I only got in a total of 8 games for the entire year and that definetly affects me in getting a chance to assemble and paint all of the figs that I do have. I wasnt even able to join the 40k GT.. All of the games had been with orks.. Perhaps I can get the momentum going with that part.

I was able to get one Horde game with SJ at Mcdonalds.. Just in time before MkII showed up.. Hah heres to that.

- Nothing I had tried to resolve to do I was able to actually do for the entire year of 2009. Nuff Said.

To the Year 2010:
- So what about 2010? Do I just stop making resolutions and forget all about it? Im trying to analyze why I wasn't able to finish anything at all or do anything. I believe its because of inertia of actually trying to pick up a brush again and just paint anything.. For that I need new paints..
Will just buy the paints as soon as I realize I need one.. Yes its counter productive.. but at least I would be able to afford buying the paints again.

- The good thing about the first part of 2010 is the rise of the Gladiator Cup again to be headed by Romy. Im hoping this will give me the desire to pick up the brush and paint..

I at least haven't been completely idle. I was able to at the least assemble and convert a couple of lootas.. as well as clean more AOBR orks.

Here's a shot of those Lootas now.

Also was able to get some Bunker gaming with Owen and his Sisters during the December 30 summoning.... and with Jeff Yu back to gaming I got a place to get some warhammer gaming that is near my place. Perfect :)

Here's to 2010 and to the hobby :)
- I'm targeting the ORKS and THEN get back to Renegade IG (no promises this time)

Site Note: I finally got the chance to get a progress bar up and running on the right to look at the projects well at least its there :D

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