Monday, September 26, 2011


One of the reasons that I haven't made some progress in finishing painting my army (aside from the new baby, laziness and whatnot).. has been because for the past 3 years I have been more invested in board gaming.
Now the new kind of board gaming is a far cry from those Monopoly or Risk days we used to have in college. Some of these games are complex with theme and great mechanics.

Much as this had been intentionally a wargamming blog I might as well broaden the horizons somewhat and include the other games that I am as well as life in general..

Speaking of games:

I have had Raipo, Homer, Roe and there friends come over for some boardgame madness.. I have had friends come over from time to time to play but I appreciate the fact that they would come all the way from Laguna for some boardgame madness..

For the first visit I had introduced them to RuneWars which they seem to love "forget the dragon runes, send the armies forward!!!"

See Raipo's writeup  here

For there next visit I finally had them experience how tense A Game of Thrones boardgame would be with a full set of 5 players.. Next was a game of Puerto Rico and then Last Night on Earth. (my very first Modern Game -- realized that I haven't even had fixed the expansions that I had bought with the game.. doh)

Hopefully will get a chance for some more gaming in the months to come (probably just do this once a month)

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