Tuesday, May 29, 2012

40k LEAGUE Kill Team Games 1 to 3

Well my plan to finally finish painting the Kill Team that I have prior to starting the 2012 LEAGUE has been met with resistance.. Noticeably the 12-13 hour work days with a busy weekend ruining my chances to try to paint and finish my boyz. (Well that's my excuse anyway)

Me setting up the table

Having said that I still went to Neutral Grounds at the ATC to be able to try to get some games in.

Game  1 vs Tyranids with Doom of Malantai

I faced off against Kent and his 4 model count Kill Team. He had Doom of Malantai (with the Eternal Warrior USR !!!) and 3 shooty Tyranid Warriors.

I tried to backpedal as much as I can against the Doom, utterly failing to dent it..knowing that once it gets near me it will start to suck on models and kill them outright. This strategy changed though when I managed to kill outright one of the Tyranid warriors with my Mek with Mega Blasta (St8 for the win). I then decided to risk it and try to shoot and kill one more warrior to bring him to half and have him start rolling for leadership.

Doom makes it to my lines.. Not good.

I finally managed to kill of one more warrior and he started to make his rolls. Unfortunately he started off at Leadership 9 and the Doom as well as other shootings finally got me to start rolling for my leadership as well, with me starting at Leadership 7 it was going to be close but alas it was not to be and the Orks run from the field.

Game 2 vs Tyranids with 2 Hive Guard

Sunny bought Nids as well and he 2 Hive Guard and 3 Combat Warriors (I think)

-- I Hesitated and dallied on going forward or not doing both half-assed. Was taken out piece meal by the Hive Guard shooting their insta kill you weapons. I should have just pulled back and let him come to me or say just screw it and went in for the kill.. As such I lost the field early.

Where are the Nids? Hiding I say.. and I say boo to that :P

Game 3 vs Dark eldar with "Big Monkey"

Lucas sorta had 5 warriors, 5 warp beasts, 2 models on hellions and a Large Beast i label "Big Monkey" 

 - My shooting was as expected pathetic and his Big Monkey started to come near my static gunline Soaked the damage from shooting as well as what the  warp beasts and the big monkey dished out and then counter assaulted (they are still after all orks) I ganged them up mostly 3 to one against each other and dragged them down but the Big monkey.. who fortunately had to start rolling to break on Ld 5, which he failed. So a win for me there.

Other games

Prior to my game 3 I witnessed Lucas fighting of a 5 ork model unit. It consisted of 4 ork nobz with heavy armour and a pain boy. I expected the Orks to get decimated but despite the odds (and a bit of Lucas bad luck) the Orks manged to wipe out the Dark Eldar

Ork Nobz clamber to off the last Dark Eldar warriors

SO  a current League result of 1 win and 2 Losses for me. It was a relaxing set of games though.. We managed to have the games done on average about 45 minutes. With the League setting up a max of 7 games I should be able to finish my games in one more day of gaming :)


Obi Macapuno said...

good for you, painting and gaming and all that. my weekends are still not mines so i can't really get anything in for the KT league.

Badbeef said...

I don't have the weekends either... I had to bribe the missus and family to go around while I game :P