Saturday, October 20, 2012

GENERAL: Finished Horus Heresy: Mechanicum

Well I managed to finish Mechanicum from the Horus Heresy series books on me Kindle (now with kindle LED Light cover -- don't ask me about the price.)

I must say I actually did enjoy it.. It did only turned epic as always in the pages of the book when the shooting started. I always did like Titan battles and this one was no exception. Too bad the last fight was all for nothing.

At least I now know what the Dragon they were referring to in the Necron codex (old one).

On to the Tales of Heresy Book.

Friday, October 5, 2012

WIP - October 5, 2012

Well it is official, I had been sidetracked in doing my Kickstarter league army with having to clean and assemble 3 sets of Chaos figs from the Dark Vengeance box (the new Starter set for 6th ed gaming)

I had spent the month of September despruing and cleaning all of the models before I placed them in their own little sets of plastic containers.

That was a lot of cultist models really. I unfortunately need to get rid of the ccw cultists and replace them with the shooty DV ones because I have enough mutants from my old LaTD army. I might as well use them instead of the ccw cultists here.

I actually managed to clean and assemble all sets of Cultists and one set of Chosen and one Hellbrute

I figured I wanted to at least convert the 2 other Hell brutes that I have and figure a away to modify the two other sets of Chosen that I have.With Chaos about to come out the door by the end of the week it should be interesting what we would get and the actual points costs.. 

Monday, October 1, 2012

KICKSTARTER LEAGUE 2012 - 1500 points

I had signed up for the Kickstarter League last September which was going to be a 7 week thing and you had to finish 7 games. This league had been created to encourage players to get their GT armies ready as well for everyone to get the hang of 6th ed 40k gaming.

With that in mind I joined the league with the following list:

Ork with IG allies:

Big Mek.. - W/ Burna, Heavy Armor. KFF - 110 points
WeirdBoy - w/ Warp Head upgrade - 85 points

Ork Boyz - 21 w/ Nob - eavy armour, pklaw, 2 big shootas = 176 pts
Ork Boyz - 21 w/ Nob - eavy armour, pklaw, 2 big shootas = 176 pts
Ork Boyz - 21 w/ Nob - eavy armour, big choppa and big shoota = 151 pts

DakkaJet - w/ extra supashoota - 120 points

Big Gunz - 3 kannons - 60 pts
                                                          Sub total - 878 pts..

Imperial Guard detachment

Company Command Squad
- Chimera, Las cannon weapon team, Astropath

Guardsman Marbo - 65 points

Scout Sentinels x2 - AC. Searchlights - 82

Infantry Platoon - 160pts
PCS with / AC
infantry squad w/ AC
infantry squad w/ AC

Manticore - 160pts

                                                     Sub total - 622pts.

With that in mind I have managed to acquire and partially assemble a Manticore (wanted to base coat and finish painting the body before I attach the missile assembly really.

I still need to create a Marbo model though. Aside from that most of the other models are assembled and just need for me to finish painting them all.. I had planned to finish all of this before October hit unfortunately something else came along the way ... it had an 8 pointed star...

Let's see if I manage to finish anything or Chaos pulls me to it.