Wednesday, May 22, 2013

TRIUMVIRATE WARS: Recap and Tourney

After much of the drama on the local forums it was time to forget all of it and just come out and play for the Triumvirate Wars. Now the Tourney was a bit different because there was 3 players per team with one player sitting out one of the 3 matches and no combination of 2 players will ever occur again.

The not playing in one game was not my liking but with 6th ed not being a fast paced game anymore, with me being able to rest on the 2nd game and I play horde lists well I guess it was still okay :P.

My team mates for the Green Team (for want of a team name) where Space Marine Obi and Chaos Space Marine Joel :D with my Green Tide of Orks forming the third man.

So how did we fare?

GAME 1 ( Obi and Me ) vs Tau Eldar

Eldar with War walkers an Avatar and 2 WraithLords with the Tau having a Riptide and other nasty stuff.

They managed to get the drop on us by being able to score First Blood and being able to Score one VP for the objective. There was an Avatar and 2 Wraithlords Guarding the Lone objective and with time being called being only bottom of Turn 3, I would think that we still might have had a chance to wrest it out of their hands. Still a very nasty list for us and a loss

GAME 2 ( Joel and Obi) vs SM IG

It was IG with SM support and a Achilles LandRaider. I was out heckling on the sidelines. Joel got lucky with his Bastion as he kept shooting down the Vendettas that were showing up one at a time. The Achilles was late in showing up while the Marine Contingent finally made it to the other side of the lines to claim victory

GAME 3 ( Joel and Me ) vs DA Orks

Almost Mirror Match again.. with Me and Joel facing off against Dark Angels and Orks.. The Orks actually had a 20 man Ork unit in Heavy Armor as well as a walking Nob team backed by a DA Land Raider and friends.

The DA also had a heaping amount of Hyperion Missile Launchers that gave our Fly boyz a headache.

I did a very un-orky (and hence Blood Axe way of thinking) I moved forward a bit and shot then moved back (Tactical Retreat) as I pinged away the Orks.. I was not going to get near the double Mega Armored Warbosses until I whittled them away.

We won on kill points by one and we win the game !!!


WELL we finished with a 2-0 record... since we sorta did not compute most of the bonus points (oops) we were probably in 4th or 5th place.. which is hey average.. so not a bad day for gaming at all :)

Now back for me finishing the highlights on the 16 orks that I had finished for this as well as the DakkaJet

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