Friday, August 9, 2013

WIP FRIDAY UPDATE: Lootas and Grot Crew

The Philippine Grand Tournament schedule has been officially announced and I have more than 2 months to finish an army and play it in the GT. I am once again going to join it for the purpose of forcing myself to finish painting more of my unpainted stuff. I am more of a gamer than a painter really but having to join tournaments does push me to finish models that have been languishing for more than a decade now :P


Managed to scrounge up enough models to create two teams (of 8) of Gretchin Crew for my Big Gunz.


Big Gun Battery Team -Grot Eye

Big Gun Battery Team - Bad Moon

I just looked for extra night goblin models and just cut/chipped and filled away the bows and other fantasy stuff that they were carrying. I did not bother to try to figure out how to make them carry ammo or what not because... well my green stuff fu is non-existent. Besides no one is gonna closely exam grots right?

So I have 2 extra crew for each Big Gun unit with 3 Big Gunz each. I am going to need to create another team of team of 8 to crew the Lobbas that I plan to use. We will see

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