Friday, January 3, 2014

2014 - HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL and Quick look at the last few months of the year that was 2013

Well that was a fast December. With health problems knocking me out for 2 weeks and family schedules and matters forced me out of the GT and some other gaming events, my hobby time petered during the end of the year.

Interestingly I have gotten my friend hooked on board gaming but that is going to be another subject altogether and perhaps a future post.

Hobby wise  there are a lot of new stuff coming out that I am excited about. With Kill Team resurfacing this once again gives me the chance to do some quick and fast painting for a couple of models at a time for me to clear out the backlog... just in time for when the IG and Ork Codex comes in March :P

Will be doing a state of the Spawning Address in the couple of weeks to once again compare how my gaming hobby fared for 2013.

Here is to this new year 2014. May I continue to chuck some dice and duke it out on the gaming tables :)

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