Monday, August 17, 2020

(RAMBLINGS) And then there were Board games again

 During this whole Covid mess I have been slowly getting my Legion units painted and building up my army. 

It was in May that  I wanted to get some gaming back then via Analog play instead of Video games. With the inability to get some face to face gaming I started to get some games that were more for solo play. 

Playing Board games by myself used to feel like this.

At first playing Solo felt weird. After all the reason that I moved away primarily from Miniature Gaming was because I wanted to get more people to game with me and the social interactions. If I wanted to play by myself I would just play some Video Games.

However I do like the tactile feel of Board Games. Lot of the games that I had really did not entice my family to play anyway and with group gaming still out of the question then I needed to find some Games that I can play solo.

So back in June I grabbed me Aftermath - really liked it. After that the flood gates opened since I decided I can start getting games that I can play solo. And so the "Solo" Collection grew. 

Great where am I going to store these

I am eyeing a couple more games that I want to purchase. ( Looking at the Monsters and Minions Expansion ) and Jaws of the Lion  ( For Gloom Haven) Speaking of Gloom Haven I was never really interested in that until I played the game in STEAM so kudos for them starting on that. 

At the same time.. I am starting to look for SOLO variants for a couple of games that I have and time for me to play some IMPERIAL ASSAULT games as well using the APP. 

So looks like I need to enjoy playing more games by myself for a while

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