Thursday, August 21, 2008

Crud : 2 nights to go for the Grand Tournament...

and Ive not even finished assembling the Retinue for my Inquisitor and the game is already this Saturday. Fudge...

Well this is the army list that I will be using for the Tournament. I just want to get this out of the way so that I can start focusing on the ork models that I have for 5th edition gaming. Since the new codex SM is just around the corner I decided I might as well have fun and use whatever gimmicks I can with the old one before it all goes away (like FOTA)

The Host of Faustus SM list - with WitchHunter and DaemonHunter Allies Radical Inquisition


Librarian Codicier Hernandez 103
- w/ FOTA

Inquisitor Lord Faustus DH Ally 187
- w/ PsyCannon; Emperor's Tarot
- 2 Mystics - w/ las pistol and CCW
- 1 Sage - w/ las pistor and CCW
-3 GunServitors w/ Heavy Bolter, Targeter, Krak, Frag


Daughters of Erathas (Arco Flag) WH Ally - 140
4 ArcoFlagellants

Hands of Erathas (DaemonHosts) - 170
2 DaemonHosts


Tactial Squad Alpha SM Marines x 5 - 100
w/ bolters , 1 lascannon, 1 plasma gun

Tactical Squad Beta SM Marines x 5 - 100
w/ bolters , 1 lascannon, 1 plasma gun

Storm Trooper A x 8 DH Ally - 100
w/ 2 plasma gun

Storm Trooper B x 8 DH Ally - 100
w/ 2 meltagun

Horde of Erathas Mob 1 WH Ally 175
Priest Zecarriah w/ pwr armour, pwpn and las pistol
19 Zealots
w/ Fanatic armed with Eviserator

Hordes of Erathas Mob 2 WH Ally 167
20 Zealots
w/ Demagogue - meltabomb and las- ccw
w/ 2 Fanatic2 armed with Eviserator
w/ 2 flamers

Fast Attack

SwiftWind LandSpeeder Tornado - 80
w/ Heavy Bolter , Assault Cannon


Devastator Squad Gamma x 8 - 200
w/ 4 Missile Launchers

Vindicator IronHide 128
w/ smoke launchers

Total Points 1750

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