Wednesday, July 25, 2012


Well it was an uncharacteriscally sunny day for the Kill Team finals that was held in ETON. The top 3 from the North and the South would have one final game to determine who would be the reigning champion for Kill team for the month. This would also happen to be the last

As it so happens.. I was unfortunate (or fortunate) to have the Kill Team southern sector boys on both sides.  This meant that I would wink wink at both of them and just push forward instead (Hey both were Nids and both were the the ones I lost too. Unfortunately the way in front of me was nothing but Tau Firewarriors... so well here comes the pain.

The TAU gun Line in front
 As (bad) luck would have it, I would mostly go second to the TAU player in front of me that would proceed to start shooting and shooting my grots and orks down. Fortunately I think he suddenly had a healthy respect for my ork firepower as I managed to actually whittle down a few of his Fire Warriors and have some of them Go to Ground. While I committed to having my orks go and get stuck in

Crossing the Line

I actually managed to make it all the way across the board (It was like a mini battle since the ones to my left and right were all focusing on the ones in front..) concentrating my fire on the TAU though I would occasionally snipe (and miss) the other players.

Ork managed to make it to the other side
I was already nearing my breaking point when I finally got the TAU player to 50% and made him go first in rolling if he retires from the field. He rolls badly and he is gone !!

Unfortunately my joy at having survived was not to last as the IG player to my front left started shooing at the grots near him.. resulting in me to start taking leadership checks as well (at Ld 7. well...)

This made me decide that if I am going down I am going to take everyone with me... So with a sneaky gleam I shot at everyone so that I can at least make them reach 50% models so that we can all start rolling for leadership checks..

Well as all of my good plans.. I choked and did not wound a single model.. > -- <

Then I promptly failed leadership check and that was that for me. Kent would eventually win the game and be crowned Kill Team champ for the year !


Well over all I didn't do too badly the fact that I actually made it to the finals was interesting. I had expected not to make if after an initial 2 losses  but I managed to just keep playing and see what would happen.

Well it was a great league and I am looking forward to how a 6th ED kill team league will look like.
I was not able to do my target painting which was to finish the lootas and the Nob still I managed to finish of the shoota boys so at least it wasn't a total lose.

Thank you Neutral grounds for sponsoring this event. I look forward to that 10% discount and getting me an Ork fighter :) Pictures of that event and other happenings can be found at the Neutral Grounds website here.

So long 5th ed and here's to 6th edition !!!

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