Monday, July 9, 2012

PAINTING: 10 More Shoota Boyz done

My how time flies.. I had started painting these boyz last April just as I was getting ready to join the Kill team as mentioned in this post. This was the second set of 10 boyz from the shoota boyz squad that I wanted to finishs.. Sadly.. Work load and a very intense Personal Emergency prevented me from finishing them all in the right amount of time.

Fortunately last last Sunday (depending on when I got to post this) I finally got to sit on a Sunday morning and finish them. It helps that I am actually using the models for a kill team league.

Well here they are.. That means that I have finally finished 40 Shoota Orks - each with 2 big shootas and a Nob with a power klaw.. too bad that in 6th ed it looks like I am going to start running Orks again without Nobz (that will be for a different post :D )

Here's to the Lootas and the Nob that I still have to finish for that Kill team finals.. which looks like I need to finish before Next saturday..

Here's hoping I get to finish :D