Friday, October 7, 2011

Thoughts on Orks from the BOLs Comment section

 GROGDATYRANT over at Bols had a great comment regarding Orks in an article regarding how to fight GK using Orks (which is like having yet another hidden GK article)

His other discussions can be found here..

But I would just like to follow on his summary of Orks and I think it hits the nail on the head with this one.

The Bols article and comments can be found here

"This is being generous an giving you the maximum shots with a 28 point bonus. So no, I will continue to laugh at Ork shooting, no offense.:)" the most optimal circumstance possible for yourself.  No offense intended, as in a vacuum DA's are certainly 'superior' (in theory, like communism).  But Orks are not an army that performs well on a 'unit vs unit' basis.  In fact, they don't perform at all on such a comparison.

Phil did a masterful job of practically doing a copy-paste when it came to design ethos for the Orks, copying from his beloved Eldar, that is.  Orks never used to have such 'aspekt' squad units like Burnas, Tankbustas, or Lootas, where every model has the same damn weapon for the (very expensive) cost of 15 pts a model.  The difference of course being that we're somehow supposed to make due with our 'aspekt' unit having no transport options (beyond a heavy support choice), no armor, lower overall stats (minus the +1 T and +1 Attack), while being *roughly* the same cost.  In fact on it's own any individual Ork unit is painfully lackluster, and a very incapable of matching the performance of any similarly specialized unit with the same role on a unit-vs-unit basis.  You can laugh at Ork shootng, but just remember that many other armies are laughing even harder at their lack of combat ability these days.  To directly quote a friend of mine, "I remember when I used to fear getting into combat with Orks!"

The way Orks work with the current codex (especially now in 5th), is that the army's total lethality and effectiveness is greater than the sum of it's parts.  Oh sure, Eldar players can say that their Farseer's perform a similar purpose...  but Eldar players also don't have dirt-cheap living-cover/speed-bumps/objective-squatters, 30-man soak-screen units with a Str 8/9 PK, bubble-cover saves that also apply Obscurred, or stupidly frail 15pt specialists without any armor (sorry but 4+ is still better than what we got).  So what makes Ork shooting scary, is that they're doing it almost at the same effectiveness of Guard Infantry (minus the 1st/2nd rank), and consistently pouring out 2 shots a turn each (as opposed to bursting 1 turn for 3 shots, and then floundering the next).  Couple that with above-average close-combat capability (better than a Dire Avenger, at least), grot-cover screens and/or KFFs, and numerous other factors...  and the opponent abruptly stops laughing.

TL:DNR; Orks are not a combat-centric army, and currently all about versatility and 2+2 equaling 5.

1 comment:

The Raipo said...

Hmm that shed some light into my way ofthinking for my ladz.