Wednesday, March 21, 2012

VIDEO BATREP: 1500pts Orks Vs. Space Marines (DA)

The Video Battle Reports continue !!!

Another chance to get into gaming and this time it was with Obi from Obi's Playground and we played at Jeff's very spacious warehouse office. My apologies for the shaky cam and for it being out of focus from time to time.   This was an Objective grab in Table Quarters It was another great game...

Post Mortem:
- The Warboss and Snikrot should have gone after the Attackbikes.. Or the Warboss should not have joined Snikrot this time but should have just been at the main ork unit.. So as to slingshot to the Attack Bikes and then to the Scouts.. Oh well.

I had taken too much bling and not enough boys I think. I sorely miss having an extra boyz unit to go after the first boyz unit that got stuck in get vaped. Most of my toys died the moment they showed up.. So blegh for me.. Still at least the Lootas managed to soak up most of the fire and with one model left managed to blow up the incoming Razorback.

Hopefully we can make this a monthly recurring occurrence and maybe finally get some Campaign style games going.

(EDIT: As explained to me by Sunny. A troop unit can take as many objectives it can, there is no limitation ala 4th ed where its a one to one basis.. however that limitation of two objectives per unit is usually set by Tournament Organizers a win for me then :P )

1 comment:

Obi Macapuno said...

GG! it's nice to be back gaming.