Thursday, January 3, 2008

GENERAL: Bad painting = where is the love?

My instinct to look for a bargain has once again caused me to purchase stuff that I might not actually ever use (another bought of buyers remorse) I had just purchased several plastic bags of models and after rifling through them have realized that I have the following.

- a lot of empire
- many high elf
- many dwarves
- many orcs
- a few marines
- some odds and ends

It was sold by a friend of mine at greenhills and he never bothered to look what was in it. It was all in bags and I was thinking of getting a bargain so I grabbed them as well without looking.

Now dont get me wrong, the models that I got ARE a bargain. Its just the condition of the models that I got (to be more specific the paint job) that has me rubbed the wrong way. I would have rather had the models without paint than seen their condition... (if anyone has seen 6 years old paint you will know what I mean)

Sorting through all of the so called painted stuff was actually tiring and debilitating... the kind that feels that your strenght is being sapped away. Damn you can feel there was no love for how the models were painted (you'll get what I mean when you hear me say it :P )

I'm going to start throwing the models in VATS of brake fluid as soon as I can.

Still there are some good stuff in there... I plan to keep the dwarves (though this may change) and the orcs will make a fine addition to my current army project of expanding the 40k Orks that I have. As for the high elves I got ricky interested about it already... if I can manage to sell that and get back a third of the cost that I spent for the lot that would be all good..

That leaves the empire figs.. hmm.. I guess im going to need to do inventory of all of these figs eventually.. Im just going to need a lot of fresh air and water to keep from getting nauseous...

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