Wednesday, February 15, 2012

HOBBY CAFE: The Coalition of Evil Battle Report

(This was an old post way back in 2001 for the Budda Budda league.. it was a League format that we had done for the store. Ah the glory days back then with the old rhinos and card made Land Raiders.. fun times.. that and look I was thin back then :P )

The Coalition of Evil

During the first Budda Budda Leaue we decided to try something special and do a mega battle that allowed us to field all of our armies against each other and so it came to pass, an alliance of EVIL (well not really) vs the forces of Humanity. We fought a 5,500 point battle over an 8 x 4 table. The scenario we played was the Sea of Green.
The GoodGuys (or as I would call them the Imps)
Here we have Wolf Lord Jeff Jongko, Sister of Battle Owen Ilagan and Marine Commander Angelo Almeda. Jeff got to field a 3,000 point Space Wolf army, a dream come true. Oh and the guy with the cap on the left is just extra.

The Bad Guys (or the Misguided, the Dark, and the Green People)
Peter (Chaos), CJ also known as 'D' (Dark Eldar), Jonnel and Louie (Da Orks). Yes we are going to go home wiping the pansies of those 'oomies, you bet!
All right, now that you know who is who, LETS GET TO IT!!!

The Game is Afoot:

The Space Wolves got to go first (I swear that Venerable dread is a cheat). Jeff got to enter play with his whole army. He quickly forced marched his way to strategic locations on the board without fear of retaliation. His Whirlwinds took up position behind cover of some trees.

Meanwhile half the Ork army and the Chaos forces entered play. The Kans, Dreadnoght and Land Raider advanced on the center objective while the others concentrated on the objective farthest on the right flank.

The wolves arrive on the scene

The Wolves let rip with their whirlwinds, damaging the looted Basilisk's gun. The Venerable dreadnoughts stunned the Dreadnought. The return fire of the Orks and Chaos was ineffectual as most of the enemy was still not within LOS..
Sisters and a small Ultramarine force hold the right flank from chaos

Soon the reserves of Both sides started to enter. The right flank objective was captured by the orks but was quickly over run by the arriving Sisters of Battle and Space Marine Forces.
The combatants are all arrayed for battle

As the game came to full swing. One of the notable actions came when the Iron Priest with Blood Claws tried to take out the Looted Leman Russ and failed. They were then engulfed in a mob of green and was eventually killed to a man when the Ork Warboss arrived.
Holding the line
The Wolf Priest and Blood Claws, mounted in the Crusader Land Raider disembarks on the center objective. They were then blasted by the looted basilisk (seen in the background) but only lost three of their number. The Chaos lord and berserkers then assaulted them in the ruins but was unable to dislodge then.
You could hear the Wolf Priest shouting, " Stay with me!! Hold the line!! "

Mid Game:

The full imperial reserve force has arrived on the right flank. A squad of Khorne Berserkers occupy the objective bunker but the overwhelming firepower of the imperials quickly made short work of them as they were Burned, Bolt gunned, Las cannoned and Plasma gunned to death. Unable to stem the tide the Orks held their position ready to counter attack.

The Wolf Scouts arrive and they destroy the Chaos Predator tank. They also made short work of a small Chaos Space marine Squad stationed near the tank.  

Armored Might

"Take that!" as Owen sends his Callidus Assasin to kill the Mekboy and Burnas. The Mekboy has been shielding the Dreadnoughts and Kans with his Kustom Force Field and was responsible for repairing the Basilisk Gun when it was damaged. Thus he became a prime target for the Assassin.

With the Force Field gone, the Wolf Dreads made short work of the Killer Kans.
Take that

The Sisters of Battle intercept an Ork Trukk boy mob but was only able to damage the trukk. The trukk boys then proceeded to kill off a Marine Assault squad and a Sister of Battle Squad. But alas for the Orks it simply wasn't enough to stem the tide.
To the last Battle Sister
The center objective became hotly contested. As the Wolf Priest continued to occupy it, many of the Dark Eldar and Ork Heavy weaponry came to focus on them. Luckily the cover gave them an edge as they made their cover saves and struck first when the Storm Boyz tried to dislodge the marine force. Needless to say the Wolf Priest continued his battle cry, "Stay with me!! Hold the line!"

The center objective still holds to the Imperials

On the other side of the table, the Chaos Terminators teleported trying to eliminate the Whirlwinds. They failed miserably only stunning one vehicle. The Wolves responded to this offence by quickly turning the Grey Hunters, Blood Claw bikes and RatMan (as Jeff calls his Wolf Priest on Bike) on the terminators. In spite of their invulnerable saves the Ratman quickly sent them back to their chaos gods. 

Last Legs:

After Taking care of the Wolf Scouts, the Cyborks and the Shoota boys starts marching for the bunker objective. Knowing that they cannot take it away from the enemy, they hope to at least contest its ownership. Alas the shoota boys were gunned down by a Sororitas Retribution team and the orks promptly ran away. And so the Right flank of the baddies fell to the sway of the Imps.

Turn 4-5 of the game

Meanwhile the other side of the table was a different story. The arrival of the Ravager, Battle Wagon and the Ork Warbosses were turning the tide. First the Leman Russ managed to fire its Battle Cannon at the Blood Claws. The Talos and Warbosses assaulting the Grey hunters and remaining Blood claws. this made short work of the Wolves as they were unable to hold their right. Consequently, it all came down to the center objective.
Over the hill

The Wolf Priest continue to hold the Ruins against all odds. Even as the Dark Eldar Lord and Incubi makes short work of a Sororitas Squad, the enemy rhino blocks the direct path to the Ruins.

Oh what a cheesy tactic!! Now the Dark Eldar Lord is forced to go around the vehicle wrecks just to try and get at the Wolves in the ruin.  
No end in sight

Meanwhile the Orks and Dark Eldar and Orks unload their heavy weapons at the Wolf Priest and Retinue reducing their number to just two. Technically this was enough damage as they would not be able to hold the objective on their own due to half strength. But since another Sororitas Squad was close enough with no enemy unit within 3", the Imps continued to hold the middle objective.
The last stand

It all came down to the Random Game Length, as another turn would enable the Dark Eldar Lord and retinue to get close enough to assault the wolves in the ruins. But alas!! the game ended with the Imperials holding two out of three objectives. 

Aftermath :
So the imperials have won the day! But don't worry the baddies will be back for revenge.
Despite the apparent numbers the baddies just wasn't able to get the game breakers they needed. That and the fact that they made a few tactical mistakes.

The major mistake being not occupying the center objective first with the Khorne Berserkers and Chaos Lord in the Land Raider. If they had occupied the building first, then they would have struck first and perhaps the Wolf Priest would have had hard time dislodging them. Nothing went right for the attack on the furthest objective on the right. The Baddies should have just left that alone and concentrated on the middle one. 

The Imps had all the lucky breaks, and the right weapons. Three whirlwinds made a mess of the Ork Trukks and Dark Eldar Raiders. Twin Linked Ballistic Skill 5 Las cannons just killed the Kans and Dreads. And the Crusader Land Raider took awhile before it died. Still it was a heroic stand as the Wolf Priest held the ruin against all comers. They were bombarded by Dark Lances and Rokkits but they never ran (reminds me of 13th Warrior don't you?) 
A round of handshakes as the game comes to a close

But winning or losing wasn't the point of the game, we just wanted to try our hand at a really BIG game and boy did we really have a fun time. We are planning another BIG Game and we hope to continue the story of the Coalition of Evil. See you next time.

1 comment:

The Raipo said...

That was what 40K is made of: FUN!

Oh I see the old shop :D