Monday, February 27, 2012

WIP: Kommandos and Dread and Kan Spray Bombing

As a further motivating factor to keep me going painting and modelling wise I will be forcing myself to do  a weekly Monday Work in Progress Report.. (WIP for short.. duh) maybe it will get me to keep pushing myself on the stuff I have been doing. (However for this first one this is  a scheduled post (as I am gone for the week)  but at least this should set the tone when I get back from my one week sailing "vacation"

I had started cleaning the dust out of some of the models that I had wanted to spray bomb... I had them washed in soap and finally placed some basing already for them.

Unfortunately the weather has been uncooperative and it is still wet and cold.. a very bad time to spray based on the horror stories the people over here have to say.. Still if this goes on for a couple of more weeks I am going to have to do what bakerofish suggests which is to soak the bottom half of the spray can in hot water for 5 minutes and then I can spray and then maybe Id have less excuses as to why I didn't get to do anything for the week :)

Edit:  I realized that I have forgotten to attach the shoulder pads for the Ork Dreadnought so I am going to need to fix that first first... and to be able to sprybomb more figs I need to ready the basing for the Burna Boyz that I have as well.

Further Edit: With my travel plans cancelled I had more time for modelling for the next few days so I decided If I want to spray bomb I might as well put in as much models that I need to base as well.. So I have started basing everything else that I have assembled .. those that I have previously spray bombed before are actually waiting for me to paint them up (which I will get to when I finally buy me a new set of brushes

So I was able to base and get to spray bombin the Kommandos, Burna Boyz, some more Shoota Boyz, the Kan and the Ork Warboss on Bike.. Managed to spray bomb them all as the weather started to change from hot to very humid and the last spraying the black was starting to bubble.. At least I managed to finish them all before the rain started to fall.

I need to relearn how to spray though

I have stored the spray bombed models for now.  I have a couple of shoota boyz that I need to finish first as well as some loota boyz. With only 2 good brushes I am hesitant to start until I manage to get some new ones though.

I am segueing though and wanting to assemble something though. I am thinking I should base some more figs that I have assembled.. and then maybe get to work with converting some attack bikes.. Well then let's see what I do for the next couple of days

1 comment:

Obi Macapuno said...

wow bozz. actual progress! - obi